re - meaning and definition. What is re
Online Dictionary

What (who) is re - definition

RE; Re (disambiguation); R.E.; R.e.; RE (disambiguation); Re:; R E; Re (album); RE:

You use re in business letters, faxes, or other documents to introduce a subject or item which you are going to discuss or refer to in detail.
Dear Mrs Cox, Re: Household Insurance. We note from our files that we have not yet received your renewal instructions.
= regarding
¦ abbreviation
1. religious education (as a school subject).
2. (in the UK) Royal Engineers.
re1 [ri:, re?]
¦ preposition
1. in the matter of (used in headings or to introduce a reference).
2. about; concerning.
L., ablative of res 'thing'.
¦ noun variant spelling of ray3.



Re or RE may refer to:

Pronunciation examples for re
1. and re-re-translate.
Sustaining Great Effort - A Buddhist Approach _ Zangshod Dorje _ Talks at Google
2. Then they'd re-re-re-translate.
Sustaining Great Effort - A Buddhist Approach _ Zangshod Dorje _ Talks at Google
3. Re
The Impulse Society _ Paul Roberts _ Talks at Google
4. 'Re-becoming' suggests re-creation.
Stephen Colbert _ America Again - Re-Becoming the Greatness We Never Weren't _ Talks at Google
5. They`re... they`re something, all right.
Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde (2003)
Examples of use of re
1. Were jammin, were jammin, I hope you like jammin too).... ... into this: "Were German, were German, football we play better than you...
2. "All the existing evidence was re–examined and re–assessed.
3. QUESTION:В But youre not suggesting that theyre either domestic -- that theyre Iraqi extremists or foreign extremists?
4. Theyre damaging not only -- you know, theyre obviously killing Americans, but theyre killing a lot more Iraqis.
5. McCLELLAN:В Im not sure what youre -- well, if youre talking about -- youre talking about the International Atomic Energy Agency?